Still have questions? Reach out to us at
If a ‘Quota is Full’ that means the survey has been completed by enough MSR users already. Make sure your notifications are turned on to ensure you get ahead of the pack!.
You may be ‘Disqualified’ as soon as you open the job from your feed or while completing the first few questions. We understand this experience is confusing and/or frustrating so we credit your account with MSR points for your time. If you do not receive this please get in touch with us.
While you were answering the survey, Pollfish collected enough information for their study.
This is not a fun experience we understand but rest assured that any data or answers provided in that job will not be shared or used.
Pollfish were looking for a very specific set of users to respond to this survey. It seems that this time you didn’t match the criteria. This is determined either by the answer(s) given in the survey or based on the demographic data given in your ‘Profile Surveys’ in the ‘My Data’ section of our app.
Don’t get discouraged - There are plenty more surveys in the feed.
When answering open-ended questions, there will be validation checks for banned phrases. Unfortunately our survey partners do not provide us with any information of these banned phrases.
Make sure you read each question and answer carefully, just to be on the safe side!
Disqualification where your answers to questions about location have inconsistencies (e.g. your first answer is from the United States, second from Canada etc) or you aren't located in the country you've claimed to be.
This can also occur when you are connected to a public WiFi which has an IP address outside of your country of residence. When completing surveys when out in public, make sure to use your mobile data to prevent this from occurring again!
Pollfish suspected that you may have already completed this survey either through Measure or another source.
Unfortunately Pollfish ran some security and fraud checks and your response was flagged.
Quality data is just as important to us as paying our users fairly for providing it.
It is not uncommon for surveys to have a trap question or quality check to ensure respondents have read the question and answered honestly. In this case you have failed the quality check. Take your time to read the question to ensure you are not tripped up again.
It seems you have been caught speeding.
The time taken to complete each survey is recorded to help Pollfish review the quality of your answers. This could mean that you completed the survey in a suspiciously quick manner or that you chose the first answer for every question, which is called straightlining. To prevent this from happening, we'd recommend slowing down just to be on the safe side.
Yes, that’s the one. If you answered a question by typing nonsense like shown above or a random combination of words, Pollfish assumed all answers were of low quality. Please keep all of your answers coherent, even if it is 'no comment'.
We understand the value VPNs add to mobile usage. But unfortunately when answering surveys with a VPN or a suspicious looking IP address Pollfish will not be able to use your data.
When answering Pollfish surveys, it is recommended you turn your VPN off to avoid disappointment.
Pollfish may have an offer in your feed which has already expired. If so, when you tap on the offer you will be ‘disqualified’ automatically and unable to complete it. When this happens Pollfish tries to find another survey for you to complete.
If a survey is expired, you should be disqualified before you can even start the survey. However, if you complete a survey and then are told it is expired and you are not given any MSR points (typically 10MSR), please get in touch with us.
You declined/rejected the survey.
Not all surveys payout disqualification incentives. As a business Measure is trying to change this in the industry but there is some way to go. The good news is for some opportunities you will see payment even if you’re disqualified from the task.